March 15, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Industry Trends

Are Vegans Hot Now?

Veganuary. For the uninitiated – which is surprisingly few, now – it’s a campaign to try to get people to go vegan and give up animal products for January. The idea is that it will promote a healthy lifestyle, encourage people to try some new or different foods and reduce carbon footprints. Sure, it would

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How Does Low Self-Esteem Affect Relationships?

It’s January and, let’s face it, we’re all feeling like crap. The holidays have come and gone, the weather is terrible and there’s nothing fun to immediately look forward to. The best we can do is grab a Covid booster, knock back a vitamin D tablet and curl up with a salt lamp, waiting for

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Romantic Things To Do With Your Partner To Make Your Holidays Feel More Like a Hallmark Movie.

First things first. I know holidays are mostly behind us and everyone is back to their daily routine, BUT! Well, but nothing really, I had this almost finished and ready to be posted last year, but alas, it was not meant to be. So here it is now. Holidays come every year anyways! I don’t

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Industry Trends

Tinder: Year In Swipe 2025 Stats, Discussed

Tinder has released their end-of-year report – “Tinder Year In Swipe”. Much like Spotify Wrapped, there are some topical items, a few surprising trends and quite a lot of Olivia Rodrigo. Why would you mention an album about a breakup on a dating site is beyond me, so let’s look at the breakdown. Emojis Firstly,

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Dating Apps

My Opinion on FDBK

There is, in my opinion, nothing funnier than something that claims to be utterly unique but is actually very ordinary. Especially if it’s coupled with an absolute sense of sincerity and an utter lack of awareness that anyone would find it amusing. Looking through the website for FDBK, I kept switching between laughing out loud

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Industry Trends

Badoo Unveils New Feature To Help Users Be More Honest And Get Better Matches

“Dating with Intention” by Badoo immediately confuses me. I seem to have developed two different points of view, simultaneously. It’s either a really good idea, where all parties in the relationship know exactly what the other is hoping to get from it – oral sex; a two week fling; three children, a dog and a

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Dating Apps

Ghost Singles: People Are Dying To Sign Up For It

There are few things more funny than when two unrelated subjects share an acronym or initialism. For example, MLM can refer either to Men Loving Men (in a sexual/romantic way) or to Multi-Level Marketing (not *technically a pyramid scheme, but still a huge scam). The newest words to confuse people? “Ghost singles”. Anyone who is

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Industry Trends

Dating Trends of 2022

It’s funny to think of dating trends. Surely love is ageless and cavewomen got butterflies in their tummies when their cave partners came back and gave them a particularly nice stone. Love is universal, unending, arguably what makes us human. Thousands of years have passed but people still get butterflies in their tummies and give

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Dating advice

How To Meet a New Partner Over The Holiday Season?

There are many things that can be thoroughly enjoyable over the holiday season. Going to your hometown and drinking with your math teacher under the table, taking your nieces to see Santa, re-watching Die Hard for the thousandth time as your mother falls asleep on the sofa. However, there are a few things that are

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Industry Trends

Bumble Calls on U.K. Government to Make Cyberflashing a Crime

There’s a very specific experience that’s almost universal within a particular demographic. Women who are now aged between 25-35 will recall going to sleepovers as teenagers, watching a Hannah Montana film, prank-calling their crushes, and going on sites like Omegal to make new friends, only to be greeted with a throbbing penis. Although the reactions

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