March 14, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Love Doctor Advice

Opposites attract

I have often found that somebody with very opposite traits to yourself can make the best partners. It’s not always the case, but when it does happen and it works it can be something pretty special. I was in one particular relationship where this was the case and while we are no longer together, I

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Love Doctor Advice

Let’s talk about James & Roger

In a previous article ( I mentioned James & Roger and promised to share this story with you at some time. That time has come. Grab some popcorn, hunker down and be ready. It was around two years ago and I had brought my account back to life, having taken a short break from

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Dating Apps

A Bumble-ishous review!

My first review is here! I will try to be as impartial and objective about these things as I can be, but I will also note any relevant personal experiences. Full stories will have to have separate posts dedicated to them. Bumble – Free dating app with decency It is true that every dating app

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Dating Apps

Meeting Puppies Through Bumble!

Nice to see the weather in the UK take a positive turn. I love all the sunshine, even if we are all stuck indoors. Even an hour out in the sun makes me happy for the rest of the day. I’ve been spending more time on Bumble than ever before and also having video chats

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Love Doctor Advice

I miss the girl’s nights out!

Before we were all instructed to stay in our homes, I would meet up with girls every Friday (and often other days of the week) to share a couple of bottles of Prosecco and some take away food & put the world to rights. But mostly, we spoke about our dating exploits. We felt like

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Love Doctor Advice

On my past in Dating…

I have used so many online dating services (and still do) in my quest to find “the one”, and during that time I’ve not only learned which services work but it became very obvious which ones don’t (for me). The ones that didn’t work for me may work for others. The dating world isn’t a

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Love Doctor Advice

The lockdown is upon us!

The Corona Virus pandemic that we are seeing happening, not just here in the UK, but across the world, has had a dreadful impact on all of our lives and has seen us all have to make many changes to our day to day life. With the UK in almost complete lockdown, I personally found

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