October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Dating advice Dating Apps Relationship

How We Can Heal Ourselves in Relationships

Relationships Are Full of Emotional Honesty. Can we Take These Opportunities to Become Closer to Our Partners and Maybe Find a Way to Heal Some Old Wounds Relationships can be funny for our emotional states. We open ourselves up to being hurt, but also known and deeply loved. It’s a complicated balance, and with that

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Dating advice Dating Apps Relationship

Common Unresolvable Issues That Exist in Relationships

What’s the Difference Between Resolvable and Unresolvable Problems in Relationships? When the Hindustan Times published an article about unresolvable issues that exist in relationships, I thought it would be discussing things like one partner not wanting children when the other does, or someone coming out as gay. There’s no way to change your sexual orientation,

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Love Doctor Advice

Why Ambivalent Relationships are the Most Toxic

How to Know if a Relationship is Worth Continuing After a Complicated Time Recently, the New York Times published an opinion piece where they discussed the harm done by ambivalent relationships. They specified that these wouldn’t necessarily be romantic in nature, and could be bosses, co-workers or friends with whom you have positive and negative

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Dating advice Dating Apps Industry Trends Relationship

 8 Types of Intimacy in Relationships

How Can Closeness Be Achieved, and What Makes People Feel Connected to Each Other? “Intimacy” is a curious term, because although people often use it to indicate sex, it actually just means closeness and affection. Therefore, there can be different kinds of non-sexual intimacy between people, be they sexual partners, friends or family. An article

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Dating advice Dating Apps Relationship

The Power of Apologising in Relationships

Introduction People mess up. Constantly. At the moment I’m ignoring a couple of texts, and yesterday I spoke to someone I hurt years ago. I apologise to my partner, to my colleagues, to my cat when I step on her tail. We are constantly correcting and checking in with people we may have hurt.  The

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Dating advice Dating Apps Relationship

Things That Should Be Normalised in Every Relationship

What Happens When Your Partner Starts Acting Like a Normal Human, and Your Relationship Has Issues When we’re young our views of relationships are shaped by what we observe from family, friends and media. As we grow older and develop our own romantic bonds, we realise that some things we thought were unusual were actually

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Dating advice Dating Apps Relationship

How to Get Back into the Dating Game after a Long Relationship

You might feel scared to get back into the dating game after a long break. You may have been married or in a relationship for a long time, but now you’re single again. Maybe you’ve been alone for a while and are now looking to meet someone.  It could feel daunting, uncertain, or even a

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Dating advice Dating Apps Relationship

Key Green Flags in Relationships

Trying to Work Out What Your New Partner is Really Like? Keep an Eye out For These Green Flags Introduction If you see any happy couple and start talking to them, they’ll often have a story from early in their relationship where one person did something nice and the other realised how much they wanted

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Dating advice Dating Apps Relationship

What do Experts in Love Say About the Good and Bad Moments in Relationships? Let’s Take a Look

Introduction Before Tinder and other dating apps, most couples met through friends or at work. I can see why this happened, although I do think it would probably be annoying to have to see your partner or ex in the workplace. Everyone needs a break now and then. So imagine my thoughts when I found

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Dating advice Dating Apps Relationship

Benefits of Situationship Dating

Understanding Relationships Has Always Been Hard, And Situationships Make Things More Confusing. But Are They Bad? Anyone who has read this blog before will know that I am not a fan of situationships. I like boundaries, communication and honesty, and situationships are famously not places where these virtues thrive. I find it a little strange

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