March 7, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Dating advice Dating Apps Industry Trends Relationship

Why Anxiously Attached People Use Online Dating Apps Most But Enjoy Them Least

We all desire to form healthy relationships. But at the same time, we all have different attachment styles that influence the way we connect with friends, family, or other people.  I have noticed that those who have an anxious attachment style, which we are going to talk more about later, may desire more intimacy but

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Dating advice Dating Apps Relationship

Most Relationships Fail Because of Poor Communication

Poor Communication Can Indicate a Disregard for your Partner’s Feelings or Issues Which Need to be Solved. Let’s Talk About It.  It’s always interesting to see the flaws in someone else’s relationships which they are unaware of. I won’t tell my friends the reason they have such dramatic breakups is that they throw themselves into

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Dating advice Dating Apps Relationship

How Defensiveness Sabotages Our Relationships

Defensiveness is Certainly a Way to Protect Ourselves, Right? Let’s Rigure Out if it’s Actually Helpful Introduction Defensiveness is one of those things which must make therapists’ ears prick up. Here is something to dig into. Apparently, it originates in our childhoods and makes us feel protected by ourselves because nobody else will make us

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Dating advice Industry Trends Relationship

Modern Dating Terms You Need to Know

What’s the Difference Between a Red Flag and a Beige Flag? Does Ghosting Involve Haunted Houses? Read on to Find Out More. Modern dating is confusing enough. Are we supposed to go on blind dates or to singles’ events? Are we sure about our sexual orientation? Do we really want to get married and have

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Dating advice Industry Trends Relationship

How do Our Phones Affect Our Romantic Relationships?

Do you feel that your partner’s phone is ruining your relationship, or is it just changing existing issues?  Introduction We all know that boomers think our phones are rotting our brains and destroying our relationships. Whether or not this is true is subject to some debate and varies from person to person: overuse of anything

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Dating advice Relationship

OkCupid’s Research on the Values Women Prioritise in Their Dating Life, and how this has Changed With Abortion Rights

OkCupid Has Published Research Based on the Dating Trends on Their App in 2022, and the Results are Clear: Women are Very Concerned About Reproductive Justice. Introduction Hiya! I’m here to answer the age-old question: “what do women want”. The only people who don’t know what women want are people who’ve never had a meaningful

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Industry Trends Relationship

How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence and Self-Awareness

Introduction There’s a tendency I’ve seen with people who are struggling with their mental health. They get introspective, which is great, but to a level that becomes troubling. A healthy, balanced mind might attempt to look at the strengths and weaknesses of any situation and find a way to work through it, but some people

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Dating advice Relationship

Best 2022 Relationship Advice From Therapists

Introduction It seems like everyone has relationship advice. That doesn’t mean it’s good, or applicable in every relationship, and to be honest a lot of the time I see two pieces of completely contradictory advice that are actually both appropriate, just in different situations. So when MGB Relationships put together a list of the best

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Industry Trends

New Matching AI System Based on Photos VS Traditional Matching Algorithms

I was very excited when, in 2006, Time Magazine made me person of the year. Technically, they made everyone person of the year, but I believe that other people having accomplished the same thing as you should not detract from your individual achievements.  Much later (although the exact date is being debated by experts, we

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Dating Apps

Tinder: Are You Sure and Does This Bother You

This subject is close to my heart, and this post might be a little less light-hearted than what you guys are used to seeing here. Be that as it may, I need to let this out. It might seem counterintuitive, but the way that some people treat their potential or current sexual partners is atrocious.

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