March 15, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Dating advice Industry Trends Relationship

How do Our Phones Affect Our Romantic Relationships?

Do you feel that your partner’s phone is ruining your relationship, or is it just changing existing issues?  Introduction We all know that boomers think our phones are rotting our brains and destroying our relationships. Whether or not this is true is subject to some debate and varies from person to person: overuse of anything

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Dating Apps Relationship

How do Gender and Generational Differences Affect Online Dating, and What is ToDate Doing to Change Things?

ToDate has done its homework and spoken to people of different gender and generational. They all think dating sucks. Is ToDate going to change this? Another day, another dating app striving for attention. We’ve had the ridiculous (dating through memes) and the clear rip-offs of Tinder (too numerous to count) and the niche (dating for

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Dating advice Relationship

OkCupid’s Research on the Values Women Prioritise in Their Dating Life, and how this has Changed With Abortion Rights

OkCupid Has Published Research Based on the Dating Trends on Their App in 2022, and the Results are Clear: Women are Very Concerned About Reproductive Justice. Introduction Hiya! I’m here to answer the age-old question: “what do women want”. The only people who don’t know what women want are people who’ve never had a meaningful

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Dating advice Relationship

How to Navigate Texting in Online Dating

If You’re Willing to Pay $1300 for a Course to Teach You How to Text, Put Your Credit Card Down and Read This Instead The desire to learn is one of the best things about people, I think. We seek out knowledge without even noticing what we’re doing, and we’ll often turn to learning when

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Dating advice Relationship

How to Write the Perfect Valentine’s Card

Introduction There’s sad news in the UK: kitsch, cutesy Paperchase is closing down. The retailer is currently trying to offload lots of stock by giving discounts and sales, including the rather hilarious “buy two, get one free” offer on Valentine’s card. It’s great news for the kids who give them to their mum, granny and

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What is intuitive dating?

Introduction Do you ever feel like we constantly have to update our lists of rules? Between fashion, etiquette, food and work, there seems to be an unending amount of guidelines to follow, and it’s pretty exhausting. Sometimes, we all need to eat spaghetti bolognese and not wear a bra. Anyone who feels this way might

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Advice Dating advice Relationship

Codependency and counter-dependency: How to deal with them

Let me first say that this post might appear a bit darker than what I usually post or talk about, but this subject is close to my heart and very well worth exploring. So please, bear with me till the end.   True intimacy always comes with a lot of risks. This is a paradox:

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Dating advice Industry Trends

How to Find the Right Balance in Household Chores With Your Partner

Introduction The world doesn’t always end with a bang, sometimes things go out with a whimper. Sure, some relationships end because of cheating or betrayal or huge fights, but I’ve seen many fizzle out because of an endless supply of little arguments which sap the life of significant others. The death by a thousand cuts,

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Industry Trends Relationship

How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence and Self-Awareness

Introduction There’s a tendency I’ve seen with people who are struggling with their mental health. They get introspective, which is great, but to a level that becomes troubling. A healthy, balanced mind might attempt to look at the strengths and weaknesses of any situation and find a way to work through it, but some people

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Dating advice Relationship

Best 2022 Relationship Advice From Therapists

Introduction It seems like everyone has relationship advice. That doesn’t mean it’s good, or applicable in every relationship, and to be honest a lot of the time I see two pieces of completely contradictory advice that are actually both appropriate, just in different situations. So when MGB Relationships put together a list of the best

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