October 24, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Dating advice

The City of London Police Appeals to Families to Help Prevent Online Romance Fraud

It’s a complicated philosophical quirk of our legal system that the police don’t seem to be able to actually prevent a crime, but instead come in after something bad has happened. Think of the endless news stories where someone has reported a stalker multiple times, been ignored and then eventually murdered because the police failed

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Dating advice

How To Meet a New Partner Over The Holiday Season?

There are many things that can be thoroughly enjoyable over the holiday season. Going to your hometown and drinking with your math teacher under the table, taking your nieces to see Santa, re-watching Die Hard for the thousandth time as your mother falls asleep on the sofa. However, there are a few things that are

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Dating advice

Things To Keep In Mind If You Plan On Having A Vacation Fling

Sun, sea, sex, sangria… what could be better? As the weather warms up we’re all looking forward to spending time outside, with friends, away from work – ready to enjoy our lives. So pack up your beach reads, grab your bikini and your best friends and head off on holiday. And if, while you’re away,

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Dating advice

Why Do Women Still Get Judged for One Night Stands?

If you’ve been in the dating world for a while, you’ve probably encountered the double standard that seems to exist regarding one-night stands or one night stands in general. Men tend to go about casual sex without any issue to their reputation while women navigate a much more difficult path. This has historically been a

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Dating advice

Honest Questions To Ask Yourself About Your Relationship

Sometimes you have to admit that things just aren’t working out. For whatever reason, that guy you thought would go the distance has sputtered out, or left you behind. Relationships end for all kinds of reasons and more often than not someone ends up getting hurt. Getting angry isn’t the solution, revenge won’t win him

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Dating advice

Steps Dating Apps Take to Ensure the Safety of Users When Meeting

It seems that not a week goes by without seeing another story about a date gone horribly wrong. With stories of stalking, sexual assault, and occasional murder, it is a grim reminder that the fun of dating apps can sometimes bring about safety concerns. While there are a number of things that users can do

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Dating advice

The Art Of Flattery – How To Conquer Your Man With Compliments

Let’s start with the most obvious and straightforward one, shall we? Honest ones Compliment the things you genuinely like about him, be honest with yourself and himself. If you tell him he dresses smartly, but secretly wish he would start wearing a different style of clothes, this can lead to a huge misunderstanding later. Compliments

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Dating advice

Long Distance Relationships – How To Make Them Work

Long distance relationships are hard, there are no ifs and buts about it. In my line of work I often see steady couples with strong connections break apart because of distance. If you and your partner find yourself in a situation where you are divided by miles more than by anything else, I have a

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Dating advice

10 Questions to ask a guy at the start of a relationship to get to know him better

First things first – there are no wrong answers to these questions, because all of them will be very personal and subjective. The questions are chosen as a means to get to know someone better, not to grade them on their performance. On that note, let’s move on to the questions themselves! 1. What was

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