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Meeting Puppies Through Bumble!

Meeting Puppies

Nice to see the weather in the UK take a positive turn. I love all the sunshine, even if we are all stuck indoors. Even an hour out in the sun makes me happy for the rest of the day.

I’ve been spending more time on Bumble than ever before and also having video chats with friends, and have genuinely seen an uplift in people’s moods. When we first went into lockdown we were all a bit glum, but the sunshine seems to have changed that.

Spoke with a guy called Stuart on Bumble today. What an absolute gentleman. He has been delivering gifts and food to his grandmother and her neighbours in a sheltered housing complex. There are so many nice people doing nice stuff out there just now. I’m looking forward to actually meeting up with Stuart when we are out of this. Oh…. And he has a puppy ?


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