October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Dating Apps

Meet Schmooze – Meme Based Dating Is Here

Memes. Love them, hate them, think they’ll end up in a futuristic history book where our great-great-grandchildren are as confused and amused by us as we are by the messages uncovered carved into the walls of Pompei. Memes can be a good way to start a conversation with an old friend or possibly meet people

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Dating Apps

Tinder: Are You Sure and Does This Bother You

This subject is close to my heart, and this post might be a little less light-hearted than what you guys are used to seeing here. Be that as it may, I need to let this out. It might seem counterintuitive, but the way that some people treat their potential or current sexual partners is atrocious.

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Industry Trends

Dating Terms Guide To New Slang Words

Honestly, dating can be pretty confusing. Besides working out which apps to use, who to chat to, how many people you can communicate with at the same time, and if you should wait three days before calling (actually, that’s pretty easy: don’t do that), you also have to keep on top of the latest dating

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Dating advice

Honest Questions To Ask Yourself About Your Relationship

Sometimes you have to admit that things just aren’t working out. For whatever reason, that guy you thought would go the distance has sputtered out, or left you behind. Relationships end for all kinds of reasons and more often than not someone ends up getting hurt. Getting angry isn’t the solution, revenge won’t win him

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Dating advice

Steps Dating Apps Take to Ensure the Safety of Users When Meeting

It seems that not a week goes by without seeing another story about a date gone horribly wrong. With stories of stalking, sexual assault, and occasional murder, it is a grim reminder that the fun of dating apps can sometimes bring about safety concerns. While there are a number of things that users can do

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Dating Apps

Dating application from London: “Qemistry”

I might be old and jaded, but at a certain point, new dating apps with pointless gimmicks seem tedious. Take Qemistry, a dating app soon to launch in London. My initial annoyance comes from the spelling – any primary-school child will tell you that if you use the letter “Q”, it must be followed by

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Dating Apps

Tinder Vibes – New Feature

There are few things, I think, that are more embarrassing than a corporation trying to be cool. I don’t need boohoo.com telling me about hot girl summer, and I don’t want Love Island merch everywhere. “It is what it is” is completely meaningless. Shut up. It’s like explaining slang to your parents who don’t quite

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Dating Apps

Why Do People Ghost: Five Reasons Not To Stress Over Ghosting

Let’s be straightforward: ghosting sucks. We may have done it and dealt with the lingering feelings of guilt, or we may have been ghosted ourselves, left with a string of unanswered messages and a lack of closure. But there’s almost nobody on the dating scene who hasn’t experienced ghosting at some point. And really, it’s

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Dating advice

The Art Of Flattery – How To Conquer Your Man With Compliments

Let’s start with the most obvious and straightforward one, shall we? Honest ones Compliment the things you genuinely like about him, be honest with yourself and himself. If you tell him he dresses smartly, but secretly wish he would start wearing a different style of clothes, this can lead to a huge misunderstanding later. Compliments

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