March 15, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Dating Apps

Toffee Dating App

Toffees are lovely. They’re sweet and delicious with a lovely texture. Of course, you wouldn’t want to eat more than one because then they’re sickly and sticky and unpleasant. So it’s perfectly fitting that the Toffee app sounds great at first but quickly becomes, well, gross. Toffee launched in the UK a few years ago and

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Dating Apps

Tinder Introduces a New Feature To Find Wedding Dates

Wedding season. According to most romcoms and sitcoms, it’s the time of year that single people hate the most, probably because their core premise is that if you don’t have a significant other, you must cry yourself to sleep every night, hugging a cat/tub of Ben and Jerry’s. In reality, of course, it’s an opportunity

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Dating Apps

Bumble announces European partnership with TikTok

Bumble and TikTok are coupling up! Unfortunately, it’s not so that they can fall in love, and we probably won’t see them grey haired and holding hands, surrounded by their grandchildren – but they hope that their pairing might help others to achieve the same thing. So let’s see what all of this is about.

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Industry Trends

Match Group Confirms Future Discounts For Singles Who Use Alternative Payment Options

I think I can speak for most people when I say that complicated legal cases are, well, usually a bit much for me. I couldn’t define the word ‘antitrust’ (although it sounds like something straight out of 1984) and I’m confused by the idea that Apple doesn’t have a monopoly on its own app store.

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Dating Apps

Tinder Relaunched The “Work Mode” to Find a Partner During Work Hours

There are a few things most people do but don’t admit to. A lot of people speed, jaywalk, check their ex’s Instagram, pee in the shower and have picked their nose in public once or twice. Popped an experimental finger up their asshole. Honked their own boob. Wanted to tell their friend that they’ve been

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Industry Trends

New Matching AI System Based on Photos VS Traditional Matching Algorithms

I was very excited when, in 2006, Time Magazine made me person of the year. Technically, they made everyone person of the year, but I believe that other people having accomplished the same thing as you should not detract from your individual achievements.  Much later (although the exact date is being debated by experts, we

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Industry Trends

The Pros and Cons of Speed Dating

You’ve got to love a nineties throwback. Listen to the Spice Girls, watch an episode of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, go speed dating? Well, sometimes good things come in threes, and sometimes it’s more of a mixed bag. The latest ‘retro trend’ (which seems oxymoronic) is speed dating.  What is speed dating For

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Industry Trends

Grannies on Tinder

It’s very easy to imagine that your grandparents have always been grandparents. That they simply began as gentle, elderly and unable to properly work their new phones. Sure, you might hear stories about their lives before their hair got grey(or fell out), but it’s difficult to imagine them dating, gossiping and having sexy shenanigans similar

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Industry Trends

Music-Based Dating Apps: Do They Stand a Chance?

Everyone has heard of the dating app mainstays such as Bumble, Tinder, Grindr, eHarmony, and OkCupid. Those are traditional dating apps for the most part, and despite their unique spins on the traditional dating theme, they don’t stand out as unique experiences. However, we’ve finally gotten a fresh new spin on the traditional formula: Music-based

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Post Pandemic Body Image Issues

The norms we were all used to have been completely changed because of 2020, and even though 2021 is more than half-way through, the consequences are still being felt and damage is still being totaled. And a lot of those consequences have come to rest on us. Being locked up for a year – even

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