September 16, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Dating Apps

Tinder Vibes – New Feature

There are few things, I think, that are more embarrassing than a corporation trying to be cool. I don’t need telling me about hot girl summer, and I don’t want Love Island merch everywhere. “It is what it is” is completely meaningless. Shut up. It’s like explaining slang to your parents who don’t quite

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Dating Apps

Why Do People Ghost: Five Reasons Not To Stress Over Ghosting

Let’s be straightforward: ghosting sucks. We may have done it and dealt with the lingering feelings of guilt, or we may have been ghosted ourselves, left with a string of unanswered messages and a lack of closure. But there’s almost nobody on the dating scene who hasn’t experienced ghosting at some point. And really, it’s

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Dating Apps

Tinder Profile Tips

Do you know that the most vital factor to succeed on online-dating apps is to have an eye-catching profile? No one will be attracted to your profile if it does not have a unique bio and quality photographs. No doubt, creating a great Tinder profile is not easy, and that is why I decided to

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Dating Apps

A Bumble-ishous review!

My first review is here! I will try to be as impartial and objective about these things as I can be, but I will also note any relevant personal experiences. Full stories will have to have separate posts dedicated to them. Bumble – Free dating app with decency It is true that every dating app

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Dating Apps

Meeting Puppies Through Bumble!

Nice to see the weather in the UK take a positive turn. I love all the sunshine, even if we are all stuck indoors. Even an hour out in the sun makes me happy for the rest of the day. I’ve been spending more time on Bumble than ever before and also having video chats

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