October 6, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Love Doctor Advice

Dating apps: Are there any positive experiences for LGBT+ community?

Dating apps. Love them, hate them, feel burnt out by them… anyone who’s dated in the past 10-ish years has used one. Grindr was developed first in 2009 and the formula was so successful that it was copied and Tinder was released three years later. Since then we’ve had everything from meme-based dating to videos

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Love Doctor Advice

The Big, But Avoidable Mistakes People Make in Relationships

let’s Examine Some of the Stumbling points in Romantic Relationships and Find out How to Avoid Them Recently, Buzzfeed published a list of mistakes people make in relationships. The suggestions came from their readers and tackled a wide range of issues. Let’s take a look at what the advice is, and rate how useful and

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Love Doctor Advice

Why Ambivalent Relationships are the Most Toxic

How to Know if a Relationship is Worth Continuing After a Complicated Time Recently, the New York Times published an opinion piece where they discussed the harm done by ambivalent relationships. They specified that these wouldn’t necessarily be romantic in nature, and could be bosses, co-workers or friends with whom you have positive and negative

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Love Doctor Advice

Why are ‘tiny relationships’ important and how to get them

When I first heard the term “tiny relationships”, I thought that was just a fling. Turns out it’s not: the definition of tiny relationships is the casual bonds we form with strangers or acquaintances. Think of your neighbours, the people who work at your local shops, your post, and some work colleagues from a different

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Love Doctor Advice

Massive Study of Online Daters Highlights Gender Differences

You’ve probably heard some of your male friends lament about how it is difficult to get matches with online dating while your notifications are likely filled with interest – albeit not necessarily from ideal prospects. If you’ve looked at sexual literature online, you may have come across a recent study from the journal Human Nature

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Love Doctor Advice

Come back

  Hi guys! As spring starts to bloom around us in 2021, I have great news for you! First of all, I want to tell you that the Mercury retrograde period is over, which was not a good time to get into serious relationships or marriages and to make serious purchases. If you have refrained

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Love Doctor Advice

Top dating spots in winter

  A good date is the highlight of your week; there’s so much to look forward to, from your date arriving to him chivalrously opening the door to you to spending the night in engaging conversation. Finding the perfect place to host your date is key to making sure you’re having a relaxing and enjoyable

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Love Doctor Advice

Avoid these 6 things so you won’t scare your date away

    We’ve all been there: the butterfly feeling in your stomach as you wait anxiously for your date to arrive, the sudden blush as you see him or her for the first time, and the nerves as you try and make sure everything on your date goes perfectly well. Whether it’s your first time

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Love Doctor Advice

How to pick a place for your First Date?

  Traditionally it fell upon men to pick the place for the first date. However, as times have changed, women are now stepping up to the plate and often initiate courting by planning dates and setting the standard for things to come. Dating is confusing at times, but choosing where you go on a first

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Love Doctor Advice

How do you know you’re in love?

  If you are early into a relationship and you’re looking for signs that you really care about a person, you may find yourself questioning your feelings. If somebody has said they love you or you can tell the other person in the relationship is really looking to take things to the next step, you

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