September 19, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Love Doctor Advice

Why are ‘tiny relationships’ important and how to get them

When I first heard the term “tiny relationships”, I thought that was just a fling. Turns out it’s not: the definition of tiny relationships is the casual bonds we form with strangers or acquaintances. Think of your neighbours, the people who work at your local shops, your post, and some work colleagues from a different

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Dating Apps

Dating application from London: “Qemistry”

I might be old and jaded, but at a certain point, new dating apps with pointless gimmicks seem tedious. Take Qemistry, a dating app soon to launch in London. My initial annoyance comes from the spelling – any primary-school child will tell you that if you use the letter “Q”, it must be followed by

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