September 19, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Dating Apps

The Role of Sugar Dating Apps in the Dating Industry

You’ve probably heard of sugar babies and sugar daddies at some point, and the concept of sugar dating is often met with criticism whenever the topic is brought up. There are also a lot of misconceptions surrounding sugar dating. This causes unwarranted negative opinions and judgmental stances on sugar dating, but the fact is, it

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Dating Apps

Social Outreach By Dating Apps

Dating apps are usually very clear about their purpose. It’s literally in the name: they’re there to help you date. They might want you to find a one night stand, or perhaps they’re geared towards lasting relationships and even marriage. But as any good business person will tell you, diversifying your company is a good

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Dating Apps

Dating Industry Trends

In many places around the world, lockdowns are lifting, vaccination rates are rising and people are starting to come out of their houses again, eyes blinking in unaccustomed summer sunlight. Whilst many are jubilant, others feel a little more conflicted – saddened by the tragedy, afraid after months of being alone, concerned by new variants.

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Dating Apps

Badoo Bans Screenshots to Protect Users’ Private Content

In 2009, dating app Badoo was ranked as being the worst dating app to protect its users’ privacy. 12 years later, it’s making some changes. A new feature called Screenshot Block, rolled out in June 2021, will prevent users from screenshotting anything on the app – provided they use an Android phone.Anyone with an IOS

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Dating Apps

The Hot Take on Hot Takes: Tinder Gamifies to Promote “Meaningful Connections”

The evolution of any social media site or dating app is interesting. Imagine if you woke up tomorrow and found that YouTube didn’t want to host videos any more, and instead was re-launching itself as a written news site. Or Tinder, where you used to be able to make snap judgements about how attractive someone

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Dating Apps

Bare Dating App

This may just be me, but when I’m dating, I’m only interested in open-minded people. I know what I like and what I’m looking for but really, what I want is a person, not a paper-thin ideal of all of my requirements. That is to say: I don’t love beards, but they aren’t a deal-breaker

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Dating Apps

UK Romance Fraud Reports Climb 40% in Early 2021

There are some people who look at an international emergency and think of the best way to help everyone. Captain Tom, for example. There are others who decide to make everything more unpleasant for everyone. With lockdowns imposed, bars closed and meetups discouraged, lots of people turned to online dating in 2020 and 2021. Shut inside

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Dating Apps

Meet Schmooze – Meme Based Dating Is Here

Memes. Love them, hate them, think they’ll end up in a futuristic history book where our great-great-grandchildren are as confused and amused by us as we are by the messages uncovered carved into the walls of Pompei. Memes can be a good way to start a conversation with an old friend or possibly meet people

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Dating Apps

Tinder: Are You Sure and Does This Bother You

This subject is close to my heart, and this post might be a little less light-hearted than what you guys are used to seeing here. Be that as it may, I need to let this out. It might seem counterintuitive, but the way that some people treat their potential or current sexual partners is atrocious.

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Dating Apps

Dating application from London: “Qemistry”

I might be old and jaded, but at a certain point, new dating apps with pointless gimmicks seem tedious. Take Qemistry, a dating app soon to launch in London. My initial annoyance comes from the spelling – any primary-school child will tell you that if you use the letter “Q”, it must be followed by

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